Life Values Self-Assessment Test -- Values Defined
Sep 27, 2010by Jeremy Koch
photo via pixabay
Descriptions of Eleven Core Values
To spend quality time with my family
Financial Resources:
To secure the resources to support my short and long-term financial goals
To build, strengthen, and preserve personal friendships
Health and Fitness:
To be healthy and physically fit
Home and Place:
To make my home in a location and community that supports my desired lifestyle and personal values
To play an important role in the leadership of a group, a company, or an organization
Leisure Pursuits:
To pursue hobbies, sports, and interests outside of work and family
Personal Growth:
To constantly learn new things, to expand my horizons
Public Service:
To make a contribution to my community or society as a whole
To explore and develop the spiritual side of my life
Work Satisfaction:
To do work that is enjoyable and stimulating